
Why I think you should set a goal.

Though I have had many areas of opportunity in my life the more frustrating area of my life has been my career.

While it appeared that there were tremendous career opportunities within reach, there was an invisible barrier that I just could not seem to get past.

After spending year after year trying and failing, I began to lose hope.

What was so frustrating to me was that I knew I had certain giftings and skill sets, but in the job I had, they were completely unnecessary and even looked down upon.

Looking back on the whole experience, it is clear to me that God actually spared me – because had I gotten one of the promotions there that I wanted, I likely wouldn’t have had the motivation to take the leap to start my own business.

It was the desperation and the thought of having to spend another 20-30 years in a job I hated that made it pretty easy to embrace the “risk” of starting my own business.

So after listening to many audio recordings "at work" by Earl Nightingale, Will Smith TD Jakes, then as I searched for more audios to listen to I found "normal people" were repeating these words and achieving results. If They Could do it I KNEW I COULD. SO I just aksed myself, What do I Want?

I had thought about a lot of things Ididn’t want in life.  A job I hated, a dead-end career path were all at the top of my list, but I hadn’t really spent much time thinking about things I wanted.

Once I was able to decide on specific things that I wanted in life (particularly in the next 5 years), I wrote them down.

This list is what became my 5-year goals.

At the time of writing them, I knew that God could do anything. I mean, looking at the transformation that took place in Joseph’s life, I knew that God could cause me to reach those goals but it seemed like it would be the same caliber of miracle as it was for Joseph.

It is a weird feeling writing down goals that you have no possible idea of how they could ever manifest in your life.

Part of the challenge for me was my fear of failure. It was easier for me NOT to set a goal because that way I would avoid any failures.

I knew this wasn’t the way I should be living my life, but I was doing it anyway. Looking back I realize that I was kind of living the opposite of a life of faith – if I couldn’t see it or at least figure out how it was possible, I didn’t truly believe that it was possible.

One early Morning God, I swear I heard the voice of God asking me, Why are living like you are scared?

I had these goals and God was working on them on my behalf but my faith was shhhhort. However 3 years later it dawned on me that almost all of the goals I had written down had come to pass – and I had lots of reasons to believe that all of them would come to pass by the 5 year mark.

Remembering what I was thinking at the time is what amazes me about this. From my vantage point, the goals I wrote seemed equally as unlikely as if I had written that I wanted to walk on Mars or become the president of the U.S..

Where Is God In All This?

Looking back, I know without a shadow of doubt that it was the Lord. I expended all of my energy and know-how trying to reach some of these goals on my own, to no avail.

While I had a part in all of this, by being diligent, working hard, etc, I could have never reached these goals on my own.

For most of my Christian life, I was somewhat hesitant about goal-setting because I didn’t want to get caught up in “my plans” rather than God’s plans.

I always want to do His will over my own and never want to get caught up in just doing a bunch of “works” for God that weren’t what He had in mind for me.

But what I think happened was that even though I was writing those goals from my own interests and desires, they were actually God’s plans for me. John 15:7 says,

“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Looking at that verse, we can see that this whole writing-goals-down thing isn’t a formula that we can use to manipulate God. It starts with us abiding in Him and getting in the Bible so that our wills better align with His. And apparently, as that happens, the natural result is that the things we ask have a better chance of being in line with His will.

Even still, I don’t make the assumption that any goals I set are automatically God’s will, but now when I set goals, I prayerfully seek after them submitting to whatever God has in mind.

The Role Of Faith

Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it is impossible to please God. That is a big and bold statement.

I interpret it like this: if I want to please God, I need to believe in something that I can’t figure out how it will happen.

Like I mentioned before, when I was writing that original set of goals, I knew that I could not reach them on my own. I had tried and failed. Again and again.

I knew that the only way they would be reached was if God was at work behind the scenes. Personally, I didn’t at all feel like I had the faith to believe that they could come to pass.

But it seems to me that the act of just writing the goals down and opening up to the possibility of failure was a huge step of faith – perhaps just a mustard-seed sized amount – but faith nonetheless, that God honored.

If You Haven’t Already, Give It A Try

I have a feeling that God has some awesome things He wants to do in our lives that He is just waiting for us to believe are possible. If you have some desires, dreams, or things that you are longing to see changed in your life or in the world around you, I encourage you to write them down.

Make a list of how you would like your world to be different 5 years from now. Don’t worry about the “how”. Our job isn’t to figure out how everything will happen, rather to trust that God knows how to make it happen.

Once you have your list, don’t stop there. Put it on your desk, fridge, or by your bed. Pray about the things listed and be honest with God. Look at it often and think about the things on your list.

When our minds are confronted with a question, they seek to find an answer.

Ask yourself how you can take the first step towards reaching the goal. What is one single thing I can do today (no matter how small) to reach this goal?

Continue to keep the goals in the forefront of your mind and if you are anything like me, you might just be surprised to see where you are in a few years.

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Let Go and Let GOD!

Let go and let God’ is an oft-repeated phrase. What does it mean? It refers to the abandonment of the self. When you decide to hold on to your beliefs and continue through the paths of this world without discernment and without even questioning why you do what you do, you will continue being tied to the partiality of your viewpoint. There comes a time when if you truly desire to rise beyond the person you are today, you will have to abandon many things. 

“This idea has caused lots of confusion to many for so long. Some among you have left behind your material goods to live a life of misery without making any significant improvement. Others have abandoned their families and loved ones to embark on useless adventures — basically searching outside for that which can only be found within their own hearts. 

“The things that need to be abandoned are always personal and depend on the person’s situation. You must abandon everything that distracts you and represents an obstacle to a more intimate relationship with your Divine Spark. For some it may be money, for others it may be intolerance, fanaticism or even some long-desired goals. This is truly a victory of faith when you finally dare to say ‘Father, show me the way because you know what is truly best for me’. It is not letting your Father take control because you will forever be in charge of your own destiny. Instead it is just learning to listen to the advice and the guidance of your Inner Master to provide information for your decisions. 

“You are the clay by which your Father intends to create a magnificent work of art, but you are also the artist creating artwork with His help. Let the masks you must show to your siblings fall one by one so everyone can appreciate the beauty of your true face — the one that reflects the light that shines within. Give priority tobeing instead of doing. 

“How many times have you ignored the gifts from above with your insistence on following your own agenda? With time you will notice that on those occasions in which you let go, you will discover many things that life offers — those opportunities that the Father puts in your path every day to help you along the way toward achieving your true goal: to be the best you can be, to strive for perfection and achieve the likeness of God.”